Friday, August 12, 2011

2011 VMAs Tributes Britney Spears! …really MTV?

The question of the day is, “Do you think Britney Spears is worthy of a MTV tribute?  This year at the 2011 VMAs Brit-Brit will be honored for her years of accomplishments.  The odd thing about it, many people are at odds about if she is truly worthy of this honor. 
Usually a tribute is given to someone who makes a major milestone like a certain number of years in the industry, setting a record, selling a large amount of albums for their current project or a post-humus tribute.
In recent years, Britney has not been selling or performing like she used to, so the question of the day has been on a lot of peoples minds.  So you be the judge!  Vote and tell us what you think about the Britney tribute at this years VMAs!


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