Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Help celebrate “Movember” by supporting Men’s Cancer Awareness Month in November!

ABOUT_3“The “Movember” campaign was cleverly created to bring awareness to the rise of Men’s cancer, in particular the rising cases of prostate cancer.  Movember is participated in the month of November by both men and woman, Mo’bros and Mo’sisters who want to bring awareness to men’s cancer.  During the month, Men symbolically grow moustaches, that’s the “MO” in Movemeber, to symbolize their resolve to use that manly symbol of facial hair to bring awareness to a great cause!  And it is very much needed!  As men, we often DO NOT talk about our health, our problems orur feelings.  This MUST change!  Men’s cancers are currently taking more lives than women’s cancers and for both sexes the awareness and prevention  needs to be spread! 

If you would like to personally help in this campaign, you may submit your donation through my team’s collection link!  100% of the profits go to the Movember organization to do cancer research, spread awareness and to help care for men who currently are undergoing cancer treatments, so if you can please support this cause and help us spread the word about preventing, treating and the researching of men’s cancer.  Justin’s OFFICIAL  Mo’Space:

Thanks for support!

-- Justin




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