So this past Sunday kicked off the 2011 BET awards! I was especially excited because my favorite contemporary R&B singer would debut her performance of her #1 single, but I will get to that just a later. There is so much I want to say, so the best way for me to express this overwhelming feeling to be messy, comical and spread some "real talk" is give to ya'll with "The Good", "The Bad" and the "Really???" category. First up....
"The Good"...

One of the top highlights for me was the beautiful tributes that were paid. Ms. Marsha Ambrosius paying tribute to Lifetime Achievement honoree Patti Labelle. The thing about any Patti tribute, you have to be able to "sang", not just carry a tune, make nice melodies, but to show up and show out and she did her thing! She coasted over "If Only You Knew" like she was Patti Jr. Even Ms. Patti had to say in her acceptance speech, "you are a bad heffa!" LOL gotta love Patti. The other wonderful tribute was done by Ledisi to the late Teena Marie. It was just absolutely amazing, at first, she even sounded like Lady T in the first 1:30 of the song, my mouth literally dropped! These two soul sistas truly represented and I hope with their new albums they will garner even more success commercially! Now the performance that I think everyone was waiting for, especially since there has been no live performance of the #1 song, was Ms. Kelly Rowland. I have to say first as lover of good music and performance quality, Ms. Kelly brought it for sure. One thing I am on the fence about, was her performance really "live"? I watched the live telecast last night and it appeared lip-synced to a previously recorded live rendition, something that a lot of performers do in concerts, which allows them to do a full dance performance, but still have live-esque vocals. But when I saw it played back online, it appeared more live in parts than the original telecast. I do know some elements were live, but definitely there was no way some of the notes were done while doing certain strategic movements that require exertion and there was absolutely no vocal strain. But call me wrong, maybe what I saw and I heard were just my observations, not reality. As a fan, I loved it, she brought it and proved yes she can perform and did a great job!
"The Bad"...
...Beyoncé? Why? I was really like, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt, even though going into it, I was put off that she was being telecast from a pre-recorded performance in France -- like who does that and gets away with it? Secondly, I really do not care for this new album, it does her no justice as an artist or vocalist. And finally, just stop! Beyoncé please go on a break for a few years. We love you, we hate you, we stalk you, we discredit you. Whatever the reason we show our love\obsession of you, one thing we all can agree you just need to stop! Fo' real! ...Fantasia, fo' real! Someone else who needs to go sit down is Alicia Keys... girl boo! Nobody cares that you've been in the game for 10 years and you re-releasing your debut album. Everything you do is the same sad piano song. Just stop! *blinks intensely* And why do you like standing and doing acrobatics on pianos?! You did that last year too and almost fell off, you are not a performer Alicia, stop it! Sit behind your piano, sing your same 2 notes and oh yeah, please get that raggedy side ponytail fixed! Hotmess.com
Okay, so this section starts out from the pre-show performances. Now I love music, I love artistry and self-expression, but why did Miguel have on a sparkly, sequioned crop jacket?! Really bruh? Are you part of Barbie & the Rockers? Another fashion don't took place during the main show when Mr. Cee-lo Green paid homage to Patti Labelle not only in song, but in "wig"! I... I... I can't! Okay, maybe I can! First of all, why was he too in a sparkly, sequined outfit with pink shoes??? I mean yeah you "crazzzzzzzy" (shout out to Gnarls Barkley") but, um, that was little overboard even for you. The Patti wig was on point, I remember that hairstyle vividly, but let Mama Patti handle that, kay? Alright! My last comment has to be the overwhelming REALLY of the night -- Cherelle & Alexander O'Neil! First of all, I love them! They really are musical legends and artists I have loved all my life and songs I sing till this day, but why was Cherelle looking like Vera off "Meet the Browns"? She know that dress was too tight and that weave was too raggedy! I mean really? And Mr. O'neil! I know it's the drugs, but where was yo' teefus? I mean there are other alternatives to walking around lookin' like the Chilly Willy walrus! I was so out done by that and then she had the nerve to kiss him too, I was like "yuck!!! oh no ma'am!".'
All in all, the 2011 BET awards showed and proved, excited and delighted, even surprising and left you crying (laughing at the bevy of hot mess). There is so much more I could say, but, I think I've said enough, I'll leave someone else to say the rest, and there definitely is more to say...
[PICTURE SOURCES: BET.com, http://idolator.com/5916302/bet-awards-2011-performances][No copyright infringement intended.]
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