Ladies and gentlemen, "The Voice" IS back! ...well in video at least! Now I have to admit, Ms. Houston has not been impressing me lately after the Good Morning Ameri

ca concert and the lack-luster "I Look to You" video, but she most definitely brought back "90's Whitney" in her look, performance and grace in the new "Million Dollar Bill" video. I was really not expecting to like this video for some reason, mostly because of her odd performance in the previous video, but Ms. Houston not only performed the heck outta that song, but she was working her outfits out - yes, she LOOKED like a million dollar bill! You gotta hand it to Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz for this song!

It's totally reminiscent of the "Songs in A Minor" album song selections, but it totatlly suits Whitney's voice. This is one of the best examples from the "I Look to You" album that showcases Whitney's vocals as she flawlessly sirens other beats and melody. Let's pray... literally, that Ms. Houston continues to prosper and keep herself looking as healthy and vibrant as she appears in this video. Enjoy the screenshots and be sure to check out the official video on your local\cable station and\or the Internet!
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