Synopsis: Professional game designer #RockyDeSantos is currently working on a new game design but is having a creative block. He spends many countless days & nights trying to work on the project with little success.
One evening as he drifts off to sleep he is suddenly awakened by the arrival of a mysterious cube on his desk. Immediately curious he tries to figure out how it got there and what is it’s origin. After studying it finally “awakens” to a holographic message from Zordon, a mysterious figure who explains to him that he’s been chosen for a special mission to save Earth, find a intergalactic space gem called the ZEO crystal and help find suitable team members to form the Power Rangers.
Truly shocked and skeptical, Rocky wants to know why he has been chosen and if any of this is truly real. Zordon explains that all will be revealed in due time. First, he must find the red ranger tyranno power coin which has been hidden in a secret location in a nearby city called Pleasant Grove, TX. He looks up the coordinates and travels to the city and find it as Zordon said he would. Next mission, retrieve the Power Morpher. It’s an artifact that’s been kept on display at a museum. Before setting off Zordon beams to him a communicator device to allow him to contact him when using the cube was impractical out in public.
He travels and has to find a way to take the artifact. Motivated by duty but guarded by not wanting to commit a crime he struggles with deciding to break in and retrieve it. He finally decides it’s too risky and he will not proceed. This too was a test from Zordon to ensure he was trustworthy and capable of making critical decisions. The Power Morpher is then beamed to him by Zordon‘ assistant Alpha 5. At first Rocky can’t understand the robot so he exclaims “Ay ay ay Zordon, what’s with your assistant?” To this the robot adjusts its communication controls and repeats the first part of the line in a synthesized voice. Alpha explains to him how to use the Morpher and he should only use it when the time is right.
Overwhelmed Rocky loves the idea of having a super suit but doesn’t think he has what it takes to be a superhero. Zordon assures him, his heart and wise decision making are his greatest assets and that when needed “the power will protect you”. Alpha interrupts with a SOS message that the shape-shifting robots from the machine empire are attacking innocent citizens. And he’s off for his first mission. Zordon beams him off he successfully starts to get the upper hand in the battle. Soon it all becomes too much to do without help. Zordon talks to him through his communicator to Morph. Rocky listens and does as instructed and is instantly morphed into the Red Ranger. He finds he has been enriched with power, agility and skill through the Morphin grid.
After the battle Rocky removes his helmet and talks to Zordon once again about what is to come. He explains he must find the rest of the team who can carry the power and responsibility of the power coins. Rocky mentions he keeps his circle small but there’s one person he knows he can trust the most — his cousin Aisha.

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